Mt6572 Db File

Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SPD/Spreadtrum v1.05 - SPD Forensic: SC7715/SC7730/SC7731/SC5735/SC8830 Engine updated: - Dongle Serial Number and Version read method updated - Activation mode for other Infinity products supported - Works as Activation for Infinity Dongle and Infinity CDMA-Tool Dongle Spreadtrum SC7715, SC7730, SC7731, SC5735, SC8830 with eMMC New operations supported: - DataDirect: PhoneBook Reading Allow Read PhoneBook from All SPD SC77xx eMMC-based devices! - World First! Hang/Dead/SemiDead/Broken phones also supported Until phone can boot and not erased - data can be recovered Output formats: CSV (Google), TXT (readable/printing), VCF and VCFv3 About Data Direct: USB Debug/Root etc. IS NOT required - forget about root and rest stuff. Alive/working phone IS NOT required Phone can be completely dead (can not be Powered-On) If phone can Boot and is not erased - data will be recovered Improvements: - NV operations revised TDMA phones (SC883x) support improved - Security Repair improved Repair in FlashMode improved for SC8830/SC5735 - Flash Engine updated PAC file handling revised - Some other bugfixes and improvements Other: FlashID database updated Some other bugfixes and improvements at all Скачать с офф.
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Скачайте архив с утилитой для восстановления imei&sn writer v1.5.3.rar.2. Скачайте архив с DB-файлами для вашего процессора.MT6572 DB File.rar. Про второй пишут что он и для 6572, однако скаттер для прошивки для флештула ни первый ни второй не открывают(первый пишет что неверный формат файла, второй - 'Sequence contains no matching emelent'), хотя первый открывает скаттер от версии прошивки для рекавери, но как отредактировать скаттер я так и не разобрался.

Выпущен модуль для работы с устройствами на базе процессоров RockChip - CM2RKT v1.00 Infinity-Box CM2RKT v1.00: RockChip Service Module started! Supported CPU types: Rockchip RK3026 NAND Rockchip RK3026 eMMC Rockchip RK3066 NAND Rockchip RK3066 eMMC Rockchip RK3188 eMMC Supported operations: - Read Info Allow read full tablet info - Read Full Firmware Read Firmware only (like-factory) - Write Full Firmware Write firmware only Firmware Read allow read complete, but very compact firmware, which enough repair even completely erased device! Firmware Flashing allow write FW in device with any SW state (until it can enter in boot mode - HW part is alive) Firmware Flashing allow write FW with keep UserData untouched - Format FS/Reset Settings Allow wipe/reset device to factory state No ADB/USB Debug/Root etc. Required - Read PatternLock Allow read PatternLock sequence No ADB/USB Debug/Root etc. Required All operations supported for NAND and eMMC tablets! Скачать с офф. Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.33 MTK SP/FP Platform - New feature supported: Smart AV - World First and Unique!
Allow: Erase all KNOWN and UNKNOWN YET viruses, which can inject their code in Android system (Monkey Tes,Time Service and much others) NOT Require: ADB, USB Debug, Root, Power on also not required Result: ALL VIRUSES, THEIR DAEMONS, ACTIVE SERVICES, SHELL SCRIPTS, RECOVERY SCRIPTS will be REMOVED permanently. Side Effect: For some type of viruses after remove - mobile will not be affected by those one!
Aug 3, 2016 - Как подготовить первую часть заявки на электронный аукцион. Сошлитесь на требования 44-ФЗ или на сами ГОСТы (их каталог есть. Jun 15, 2016 - Требования к первой части заявки устанавливаются частью 3 статьи 66 ФЗ №44. Единственный документ, который она должна. Первая часть заявки по 44 ФЗ должна содержать в себе согласие на поставку товара/выполнение работ/оказание услуг. В случае если аукцион. Первая часть заявки по 44 фз образец.
Side Effect: Can REMOVE Root or Root Manager (SuperSu) in some cases! Образец искового заявления о возврате задатка за квартиру. Required after virus remove make 'FULL FACTORY RESET'.
All USER DATA will be DELETED! Backup it before operation! Emergency requirement: If FW for target phone not available - MAKE FW READ BEFORE and mark it as 'INFECTEDMTxxx.' Supported Platforms: SP MT6571/MT6572/MT6575/MT6577/MT6580/MT6582/MT6589/MT6592/MT6595/MT6732/MT6735/MT6752/MT6753/MT6795/MT87xx/MT83xx with eMMC - New feature supported: NAND Factory Firmware Reading - World First and Unique!
Allow Read Factory-like scatter file for NAND phones with UBIFS FileSystem! Supported platforms: SP: MT6571/MT6572 with NAND - DataDirect: New feature - Recovery Gallery! - World First and Unique! Allow DIRECTLY Recover User Photos, Pictures Allow DIRECTLY Recover User Recordings Allow DIRECTLY Recover User Video records Tested with recovery files up to 2 GiB per file! Supported Platforms: SP MT6571/MT6572/MT6575/MT6577/MT6580/MT6582/MT6589/MT6592/MT6595/MT6732/MT6735/MT6752/MT6753/MT6795/MT87xx/MT83xx with eMMC FP: MT625A,MT6260,MT6261 NOTE: Feature NOT intended to recovery 'garbage' content, like music etc.
Mt6572 Db File Скачать
NOTE: Some old android versions can be not supported yet About DataDirect feature: Feature allow recover UserData from damaged/hang/semi-dead MTK Phones and SmartPhones WITHOUT need even power on it! - Internet connection IS NOT required - all data is private and safe. USB Debug/Root etc. IS NOT required - forget about root and rest stuff. Alive/working phone/Meta mode etc.
Mt6572 Db File.rar Скачать
IS NOT required Phone can be completely dead (can not be Powered-On) If phone can Boot and is not erased - data will be recovered - Its not required to read our tons dumps and waste 20.200 minutes to read dump Use any sw to extract something from dump, then. Just ONE CLICK, 10-40 seconds and you got a result! Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.34 MTK SP/FP Platform - Flash Engine updated Improved MT6582 flashing Imrpoved MT6582/MT6572 DRAM init Improved HW compatibility check BatteryLevel check during flashing activated Some other changes and improvements - Smart AV engine updated - DeepScan improved - Detection revised, do not touch sensetive/system data on older platfroms - Revised Verification - Improved Virus removing Strongly reccomend to use latest version to avoid 'hang' problem on some old phones! - UserData operations improved DataDirect: Improved support for SP and FP platforms - Firmware reading improved eMMC: Brand-specific improvements eMMC: Autodetection improved eMMC/NAND: Verification improved MT6795-specific improvements Supported Platforms for Factory FW Reading: MT6571/MT6572/MT6575/MT6577/MT6580/MT6582/MT6589/MT6592/MT6595/MT6732/MT6735/MT6752/MT6753/MT6795/MT87xx/MT83xx with eMMC MT625A/MT6260/MT6261 with SF/NOR MT6571/MT6572 with NAND - Other FlashID database updated InitPreloader operation improved Some bugfixes and improvements Скачать с офф. Chinese Miracle 2 MTK V 1.35 Nokia 222, New MTK Android and MTK FP features! Chinese Miracle 2 MTK V 1.38 Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.38 - DataProtection Unlock and more MTK SP Platform - Flash Engine Revised Improved booting Improved HW verification 'Skip HW verification' option enabled Info: Even disabled option still check BaseBand ID to avoid cross-flash! - New Features supported: MTK Android 5.x 'Data Protection' unlock read/recover - WorldFirst!
Allow read patternlock, which enable hidden 'encrypted' gallery menu Info: DataProtection: It is ecnrypted storage, where can be placed photos,pictures,videos and documents Info: All data inside is encrypted and hidden from normal gallery access! Info: After enter code you will be able to view,decrypt and extract that files Info: 'Reset UserLocks' NOT touch that lock! Because of previous reasons. UserData operations improved Revised whole DataDirect engine: PhoneBook, PatternLock, Gallery, SmartAV, UserCodes Reset etc. 64+ GiB UserData storage support enabled!
Chinese Miracle 2 MTK V 1.40 Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.40 - New Repair and Test features MTK SP Platform - New Features supported: MTK Android: 'HW Test' Allow Check/Verify phone FlashIc (eMMC), test DRAM memory Support eMMC: eMMC Read/Write Test (eMMC ReadOnly verify) DRAM Memory test: Data Bus, Address Bus, Pattern and Increment tests Misc HW Test: Battery test (presense, type, level) Info: eMMC test IS COMPLETELY SAFE - it not damage/erase/destroy Android or UserData! Support NAND: DRAM Memory test: Data Bus Address Bus, Pattern and Increment tests Misc HW Test: Battery test (presense, type level) - Factory Firmware Reading improved Brand-specific improvements (HTC x64 and Oppo) Some other improvements and bugfixes - SmartAV engine improved Data accuracy level improved InternalDB updated and revised Some other changes and improvements APP Scanner improved - Other FlashLoaders updated and revised 'Preloader Init' feature improved FlashID database updated FlashInit DB updated, new FlashIC types supported 'CRC Errors' should be fixed. Separate 'FRP Reset' option enabled in 'Format FS' Some improvements and bugfixes at all MTK FP Platform - Factory Firmware Reading improved New types supported FW reader engine revised - UserData operations improved Improved 'User Code' read - Other Flash Read/Write revised Some other bugfixes Скачать с офф.